Opening and operating a retail bakery

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Just updated for 2022. The Pandemic taught us a lot of lessons. We have updated Data and Software System Requirements, Supply Chain Relationships and sourcing, and Mini Case Studies on how 10 bakeries not only survived, but many thrived and how they did it.

The textbook will save you $1000s, help train leaders, and get you thinking about systems to save you time and money.  The text was written by a CMB to help others in the industry.  Whether just starting or Leadership that is working on their business to improve their operations.  No one knows it all.  If you like this text please plan to attend BOB in Las Vegas on 17, 2022.  The one-day session will help you glean even more Tips and Tricks and experience without having to pay for the experience!

Whether you want one book or 20, please visit to order your copy online.

Retail Bakery Textbook